SKIN Innovation Challenge Workshop 23rd-25th April 2018

Martin and Tom Collison attended the SKIN Innovation Challenge Workshop (ICW) in Mechelen, Belgium on 23rd-25th April 2018.  This ICW focused on innovative ways in which the fresh produce sector can be developed.

The event included a study tour of innovative businesses in the Netherlands and Belgium details of which, including video stories of why they have embraced short food chains can be found at:

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The five featured companies (video on each one) range from:

  • an apple and fruit producer: Appelen Roes;
  • a large French fries and local food supplier: Franken Agro;
  • a local beef supplier with farms shops: De Walhoeve;
  • a care farm which also markets a wide range of processed foods: De Laarhoeve;
  • an open farm which focuses on organic production and runs a restaurant: ’t Schop.

These businesses illustrate the wide variety of ways in which companies focused on short food chains have found to create a market niche.

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